§ 1006. Street Design Standards  

Latest version.
  • The following design standards shall be applied in the creation, extension or improvement of a street as a result of any subdivision or land development project:

    A. Topography and Lay-Out. The arrangement of streets shall be considered in relation to the existing street system, and topographic and natural conditions. The road system shall be designed to permit the safe, efficient and orderly movement of traffic; to meet, but not exceed, the needs of the present and future population; to have a simple and logical circulation pattern; to respect natural features and topography; and to create an attractive streetscape.

    B. Access and Connectivity. In residential subdivisions, the road system shall be designed to serve the needs of the neighborhood and to discourage use by through traffic. However, in major subdivisions the Planning Board may require more than one means of vehicle access. Proposed streets within a major subdivision shall provide for their continuation or projection to join with principal streets on the perimeter of the subdivision or with adjacent vacant property in order that the streets may be extended at some future time. The reservation of strips of land preventing such access to adjoining property shall be prohibited. The Planning Board may require the provision of a temporary turn-around until such time as the adjacent tract is developed.

    C. Ownership. Streets should be privately owned and maintained by the residents of the subdivision or development. When a road is privately owned and maintained, the owners have the responsibility to repair and maintain such road to the extent necessary to provide for safe vehicular travel by motor vehicles, including public safety and emergency vehicles. Any interpretation of the phrase "to the extent necessary to provide for safe vehicular travel" shall be made by the Planning Board. If the owners fail or refuse to repair and maintain the road, the Town may, in its discretion, undertake such repair and maintenance, following written notice to the property owners that it intends to do so. The Town may charge the owners of the lots with the reasonable costs of such repair and maintenance. Such charge shall be a lien on the lots enforceable and collectable by the Town in the same manner as property taxes.

    D. General Design.

    1. Street design shall provide adequate access for fire and rescue vehicles.

    2. Streets shall be constructed with permeable surfaces to reduce run-off and facilitate natural drainage. Where hard surface paving is necessary by virtue of steep slopes (grade in excess of 10%) and difficult terrain, porous paving shall be used to the practical extent possible, with suitable drainage provided.

    3. Street design shall ensure proper stabilization and drainage.

    4. A landscape and planting plan may be required by the Planning Board.

    5. Pedestrian walkways, greenways, bikeways and sidewalks may be required as part of the street design plan when deemed appropriate by the Planning Board.

    6. Rigid geometric street patterns will not be permitted.

    E. Dimensional Standards.

    1. Street intersection center lines shall coincide precisely or be offset by at least one hundred fifty (150) feet).

    2. Street center lines shall intersect as nearly at right angles as practicable; no intersection shall contain an angle of less than sixty (60) degrees.

    3. Streets of the proposed subdivision connecting to an existing paved street must be paved from the intersection to a distance of not less than thirty (30) feet.

    4. Cul-de-sac turnarounds and hammerheads shall, as a minimum, conform to the dimensional requirements and other specifications set forth in the Town of New Shoreham Utilities Standards — Section D.

    5. Any easement or right-of-way to be used as a street shall, as a minimum, conform to the dimensional requirements and other specifications set forth in Table 1 below. Right-of-way width, pavement width, and surface material may vary depending on specific site conditions.

    F. Lay-bys Required. Due to the width constraints of local roads, lay-by areas, which consist of a travel width of twenty (20) feet for a length of twenty (20) feet, shall be provided every one hundred and fifty feet (150) feet, or as determined by the Planning Board with consideration of available sight distances and site features and terrain.

    G. Construction Standards. Construction of all streets shall conform to the specifications set forth in the Town of New Shoreham Utilities Standards — Section D.

    H. Street Names. Every street shall have a name. An extension of an existing street shall have the same name as the existing street. Names of other proposed streets shall be substantially different from any existing street name in the Town of New Shoreham.

    TABLE 1

    Collector Local Local
    20 to 50 homes 11 to 20 homes 10 or fewer homes
    Right-of-Way Width 30 feet 30 feet 20 feet
    Shoulder Width 5 feet each side 6 feet each side 4 feet each side
    Travel Width 20 feet 18 feet 10 feet
    Overhead Clearance 14 feet 14 feet 14 feet
    Sidewalk Yes No No
    Roadway Construction paved or gravel gravel gravel
    Design and construction to be determined by the Board
    Gravel is not permitted where grades exceed 10%