Part II. Revised Ordinances Of The Town Of New Shoreham  

Chapter 1. General Provisions
Chapter 2. Administration
Chapter 3. Animals
Chapter 4. Buildings And Building Regulations
Chapter 5. Fire Prevention And Protection
Chapter 6. Health And Sanitation
Chapter 7. Historical Preservation
Chapter 8. Licenses And Business Regulations
Chapter 9. Marine Activities, Areas And Structures
Chapter 10. Miscellaneous Offenses
Chapter 11. Natural Resource Protection
Chapter 12. Noise
Chapter 13. Police
Chapter 14. Probate Court
Chapter 15. Streets, Sidewalks And Other Public Places
Chapter 16. Subdivisions
Chapter 17. Taxation And Finance
Chapter 18. Traffic And Motor Vehicles
Chapter 19. Utilities
Appendix A. Rules Of Procedure Of The Town Council
Appendix B. Rules Of Procedure Of Appointed Boards, Committees And Commissions
Appendix C. Utility Standards
Article A. Sanitary Sewer
Article B. Water Regulations
Article C. Storm Drainage
Article D. Roadway Regulations
Appendix D. Land Development And Subdivision Regulations
Article 1. Authority, Intent And Adoption
Article 2. Definitions
Article 3. General Requirements
Article 4. Special Requirements
Article 5. Administration
Article 6. Administrative Subdivision
Article 7. Minor Subdivision And Land Development
Article 8. Major Subdivision And Land Development
Article 9. Public Improvement Guarantees And Recording Of Plans And Plats
Article 10. Design, Construction And Improvement Standards
Appendix A. Administrative Subdivision Checklist
Appendix B. Minor Subdivision And Minor Land Development Plan Checklists
Appendix C. Major Subdivision And Major Land Development Plan Checklists
Appendix E. List Of Amendments To Land Development And Subdivision Regulations As Amended On June 8, 2011
Appendix E. Zoning Ordinance
Article 1. General
Article 2. Definitions
Article 3. Zoning Districts And Regulations
Article 4. Criteria For Special Use Permits
Article 5. Performance Standards
Article 6. Administration
Article 7. Permits, Procedures And Enforcement
Zoning Appendix A. - List Of Amendments
Zoning Appendix B. - Use Categories Allowed By Zoning District
Zoning Appendix C. - Dimensional Regulations By Use District
Zoning Appendix D. - Attached Multi-Family Units
Zoning Appendix E. - Individual Sewage Disposal Systems (Isds) Table 1
Zoning Appendix F. - Individual Sewage Disposal Systems (Isds) Table 2
Zoning Appendix G. - Outdoor Lighting
Zoning Appendix H. - Outdoor Lighting
Zoning Appendix I. - Residential Structures
Zoning Appendix J. - Zoning Maps