§ 1004. Lot Design Standards  

Latest version.
  • A. General Standards. The Planning Board shall have the right to prohibit or require modification to lots which are shaped or configured in such a manner as to conflict with the use of the land for the intended purpose. Unusual shapes, angles and dimensions shall be avoided in lot layout and design. Additionally:

    1. All lots shall meet the dimensional standards of the highest zone in which they are located, with Residential A (RA) being the highest and Service Commercial (SC) the lowest.

    2. Water bodies, coastal and freshwater wetlands, and other areas not considered developable land (see Section 304) shall not be used to fulfill the minimum lot area requirements for the zone in which the subdivision is located.

    3. All side lot lines shall be as nearly at right angles to the street right-of-way as practicable or shall be radial in arrangement when the right-of-way is curved.

    4. Lots shall, whenever possible, conform to existing field configurations, stone wall defined enclosures, or other pre-existing patterns and topography.

    5. No lot shall have a ratio of average lot length to average lot width in excess of three (3) to one (1).

    6. All lots shall have direct access or right-of-way access to an existing public road.

    B. Road Improvements. Where such existing public road has not been improved to the standards and specifications as required in these regulations, the Board may require the developer to make improvements to that part of the public road leading to the property being subdivided where necessary for drainage, safety, traffic or other reasons as deemed proper by the Board.