§ 1003. Site Analysis  

Latest version.
  • A. Site Analysis Required. An analysis of the subdivision site and nearby areas shall be required by the Planning Board for all major subdivisions. The scope and content of this analysis shall be discussed during any pre-application meeting and shall be presented by the subdivider or developer during the master plan stage of review. Similar analysis may be required by the Planning Board for any minor subdivision if the Board finds that the proposed development may have a negative impact on the existing natural and built environment or would be inappropriate for the character of the surrounding neighborhood.

    B. Contents of Site Analysis. Site analysis shall identify the following specific areas to be preserved as undeveloped open space to the extent consistent with the reasonable utilization of land in accordance with applicable state and town regulations:

    1. Unique or fragile ecological, cultural and visual areas, including fresh and saltwater wetlands, coastal features and significant public viewsheds;

    2. Significant trees or stands of trees, or other vegetation that may be of particular horticultural or landscape value;

    3. Lands in a floodplain, or subject to flooding, as designated on any federal or state flood maps depicting the property (See Section 1013);

    4. Steep slopes (15% or greater);

    5. Habitats of endangered species, as identified on applicable federal and state listings;

    6. Historically and archaeologically significant structures and sites, as listed on applicable federal or state lists; and

    7. Agricultural lands.