Appendix C. Major Subdivision And Major Land Development Plan Checklists  

Latest version.

    Materials and information required for pre-application meeting(s), master, preliminary and final plan review. Specific items may be waived by the Planning Board on the recommendation of the Administrative Officer.


    The applicant shall submit for the approval of the Administrative Officer at least ten (10) copies of conceptual plans of a scale sufficient to clearly show all of the information required, no larger than 24" × 36", certified (stamped) by a registered land surveyor. Additionally, the applicant shall submit two (2) copies of all plans reduced to 11" × 17". At a minimum, the following information shall be provided:

    □ 1. Name of the proposed development.

    □ 2. Name and address of property owner and applicant.

    □ 3. Date of plan, with revision dates, if any.

    □ 4. Graphic scale, true north arrow and vicinity locus map.

    □ 5. A radius map showing all properties within 500 feet of the land being subdivided and the locations of all structures within 200 feet of the property line.

    □ 6. Plat and lot numbers of the parcel being subdivided, with identification of zoning district(s).

    □ 7. A separate listing, in or attached to the legend of the plan, of all streets on which the subject property abuts.

    □ 8. Perimeter boundary lines, drawn to distinguish them from other property lines.

    □ 9. An aerial photograph of the proposed subdivision and surrounding area (available through GIS).

    □ 10. A soils map of the subdivision parcel and surrounding area (available through GIS) and a general analysis of soil types and suitability for development.

    □ 11. All existing property lines.

    □ 12. All proposed property lines, and zoning setback lines (building envelope).

    □ 13. Location of existing and proposed streets, private lanes, pedestrian paths or walkways, rights-of-way, utilities, easements, stone walls and other significant features.

    □ 14. Proposals, if any, for connection with public water and sewer systems.

    □ 15. Location of ponds, wetlands and coastal features (if any), cemeteries and sites of historic and archeological importance.

    □ 16. Approximately topography.

    □ 17. Location and size of existing and proposed buildings and other structures.

    □ 18. Notation of any existing or proposed deed restrictions, including those related to land being proposed as open space.

    □ 19. An estimate of the population of the proposed subdivision, including school age children.

    □ 20. A narrative report providing a general description of the existing physical environment and existing uses of the property along with a general description of the uses and type of development proposed by the applicant.

    □ 21. Filing Fee.


    The applicant shall submit to the Administrative Officer at least ten (10) sets of blueline or photocopies of master plans no larger than 24" × 36", certified (stamped) by a registered land surveyor and registered professional engineer, together with two (2) copies reduced to 11" × 17". Master plans shall reflect any changes resulting from the pre-application meetings and, at a minimum, provide the following information:

    □ 1. Items 1 through 20 required for pre-application meeting, above.

    □ 2. Location of flagged wetland boundaries, watercourses and coastal features within the subject parcel and within two hundred (200) feet of the perimeter of the parcel, OR an affidavit signed by a qualified professional (wetlands biologist, registered professional engineer, registered professional land surveyor) stating that there are no such wetlands or coastal features. Wetlands, water courses and coastal features outside the parcel may be delineated through use of GIS mapping.

    □ 3. Base flood elevation date (where applicable).

    □ 4. Existing topography with minimum contour intervals of two feet.

    □ 5. Locations, dimensions and materials of any existing or proposed retaining walls.

    □ 6. Total acreage and buildable land calculations for each proposed building lot.

    □ 7. Location, dimension and area of any land proposed to be set aside as open space.

    □ 8. Grading plan in sufficient detail to show proposed contours for all grading proposed for street construction, drainage facilities, and grading upon individual lots.

    □ 9. Proposed drainage plan and surface runoff calculations.

    □ 10. A landscaping plan and open space use plan.

    □ 11. If requested by the Planning Board, a clipboard model built at a scale of 1" = 40' and showing all buildings and improvements, together with walls, roadways, vegetation, ponds, wetlands and other natural features.

    □ 12. Proposed utilities plan, including sewer, water, electric, phone, cable TV, as applicable.

    □ 13. If applicable, written confirmation by the Director of Public Works that adequate public water and sewer service will be available.

    □ 14. If onsite wastewater treatment systems are proposed, confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Management that the soils are adequate for the use of OWTS evidenced by water table verification.

    □ 15. A preliminary determination from the Coastal Resources Management Council, if applicable.

    □ 16. A comprehensive fiscal impact statement estimating tax revenues to the Town together with probable demand for additional local government services (water, sewer, transfer facility, public safety) and other economic factors such as new employment opportunities, when requested by the Planning Board.

    □ 17. A comprehensive environmental impact statement detailing the likely impact of the development on groundwater, surface runoff, erosion, viewshed and scenic landscape values, traffic and public safety, when requested by the Planning Board.

    □ 18. A comprehensive traffic study prepared by a registered professional engineer, if required by the Planning Board.

    □ 19. Written comments from the Technical Review Committee (provided by the Administrative Officer).

    □ 20. Initial comments from other local officials and agencies: Town Manager, Public Works Director, Building Official, Block Island Power Company, Conservation Commission, Historic District Commission, Police Department, Fire Department and Town Solicitor.

    □ 21. A written request for any required waivers or modifications which shall include: the specific regulations from which relief is being sought; the reasons for the requested waivers or modifications; demonstration that the requests, if granted, are in the best interest of good planning practice and/or design and are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance.

    □ 22. Filing Fee.


    The applicant shall submit to the Administrative Officer at least ten (10) sets of blueline or photocopies of preliminary plans no larger than 24" × 36", certified (stamped) by a registered land surveyor and registered professional engineer, together with two (2) copies reduced to 11" × 17". Preliminary plans shall reflect conditions of master plan approval following the public informational meeting and, at a minimum, provide the following information:

    □ 1. All items required for master plan also applicable to the preliminary plan.

    □ 2. Locations of existing and proposed permanent bounds.

    □ 3. If wetlands exist on the property, written confirmation from RIDEM that plans of the proposed development, including any required off-site construction, have been reviewed and that approval has been granted for the proposed site alteration.

    □ 4. If the property contains a coastal feature, written confirmation from CRMC that plans of the proposed development, including any required off-site construction, have been reviewed and that approval has been granted for the proposed site alteration, if wetlands exist on the property.

    □ 5. Final comments by the Technical Review Committee and all relevant local, state and federal agencies, boards and commissions.

    □ 6. Either of the following:

    a) A letter to the Planning Board stating the subdivider's intent to complete all required improvements prior to recording;

    b) A letter to the Planning Board requesting that security sufficient to cover the costs of required improvements be established by the Board.

    □ 7. Initial draft copies of all legal documents proposed to implement the plan, including all easements, rights-of-way, dedications, covenants and restrictions, homeowners associations, and maintenance agreements.

    □ 8. The names and addresses of all abutting property owners, and copies of return receipts for certified mail notices.

    □ 9. Filing Fee.


    The applicant shall submit for the approval of the Administrative Officer at least ten (10) blueline or photocopies of final plans for all subdivision elements and improvements, no larger than 24" × 36", certified (stamped) by a registered professional engineer, together with two (2) copies reduced to 11" × 17". Final plans shall reflect conditions of preliminary plan approval following the public hearing and, at a minimum, provide the following information:

    □ 1. All items required for preliminary plan also applicable to the final plan.

    □ 2. Erosion and sediment control plan.

    □ 3. Final drainage plans.

    □ 4. Final landscaping plans, if required.

    □ 5. Deed transferring land proposed for dedication to the Town or other qualified group or agency for open space purposes.

    □ 6. Final copies, in recordable form and reviewed by the Town Solicitor, of all legal documents.

    □ 7. Certificate from the Tax Collector that all taxes have been paid and there are no municipal liens on the property.

    □ 8. Filing Fee.

    □ 9. Payment of other required fees or posting of financial guarantees, if required, prior to final approval by the Planning Board and the recording of final plans:

    a) Final plat recording fees.

    b) Performance bond or other financial guarantees for construction and maintenance.

    Final plans shall reflect any additional improvements or changes requested by the Planning Board as conditions of approval. Following final approval, the applicant shall provide the following:

    1. A permanent, indelible, nonerasable mylar for recording purposes.

    2. A digital file indicating all property lines, rights-of-ways and easements as approved on the final plat.