§ 9-96. No discharge  

Latest version.
  • The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designated the Great Salt Pond as a no-discharge zone in May 1993 and Old Harbor in August 1998. The discharge of sewage (whether treated or untreated) from a vessel is prohibited. The harbormaster and assistants have the authority to board vessels to inspect and seal heads and administer dye to toilet facilities and holding tanks, and the town authorizes its harbormaster and assistants to the harbormaster to apply G.L. 1956, §§ 46-12-39, 46-12-40, and 46-12-41.

(Ord. of 3-19-2004, § 9-96; Ord. of 12-19-2005, § 9-96; Ord. of 5-3-2006, § 9-96)


Natural resource protection, ch. 11.