§ 9-91. Vessel operations and speed within the harbors  

Latest version.
  • (a) Operators of any vessel shall not operate their vessel or seaplane at a speed greater than five miles per hour and generate no wake within the entire areas of Old Harbor, within 500 feet of any wharf or pier in either Old Harbor or the Great Salt Pond and specifically in the Great Salt Pond from the #7 can at the harbor entrance through the entire navigational channel and all of Trim's and Harbor Pond.

    (b) Areas in Great Salt Pond where speeds above five miles per hour are permitted shall be limited to those designated as recreation, conservation and no anchorage zones. The speed limit within the Great Salt Pond is five miles per hour throughout the harbor, with a recreational area set aside in the north end. The recreation area can only support high-speed uses of water skiing, personal watercraft (jet skis), and windsurfing. Personal watercraft shall not exceed a maximum speed of five miles per hour to taxi in and out of the harbor and when proceeding to and from the designated recreation area in the north end of the harbor and must otherwise conform with G.L. 1956, § 46-27 and any other coastal resources management council regulations. Operators of vessels and seaplanes shall operate at all times in a reasonable manner so as not to endanger or annoy any vessels in the harbor. Operators shall not be permitted to operate their vessels in a reckless manner.

    (c) Vessels used alone or engaged in activities including, but not limited to, water skiing, paragliding, and other like uses are not allowed within 200 feet of any designated swimming area, mooring area, shoreside facility, rights-of-way ingress and egress point, launching ramp or navigation fairway. Vessels used in such activities are allowed within 200 feet of shoreside facilities when the sole purpose is to begin or end such activity.

(Ord. of 3-19-2004, § 9-91; Ord. of 12-19-2005, § 9-91; Ord. of 6-2-2008, § 9-91(c))