§ 502. The Technical Review Committee  

Latest version.
  • A. Establishment. The Planning Board may establish a subcommittee of the Planning Board, to be known as the Technical Review Committee, to conduct technical reviews of applications for subdivisions and land development projects subject to Planning Board jurisdiction and to consider and recommend advisories to the Zoning Board on variance and special use permit applications referred to the Planning Board under the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. All such reviews shall be advisory in nature, and in no case shall the recommendations of the Technical Review Committee be binding on the Planning Board in its activities or decisions.

    B. Membership. Membership of the Technical Review Committee shall consist of the Administrative Officer, who shall chair the committee, at least one (1) member of the Planning Board and at least one (1) other person as the Board shall appoint. The Committee may include the Building Official, Public Works Director and members from the Conservation Commission and the Historic District Commission and town utilities (water, sewer, electric) personnel. Written procedures shall be adopted by the Planning Board establishing the Committee's members, responsibilities and procedures.

    C. Records. Reports of the Technical Review Committee to the Planning Board shall be in writing and shall be kept as part of the permanent documentation on any application.